Browsing at the Pet Shop

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It’s been a while since I’ve had a good shopping day! So I was really happy to head off to one of my favorite local pet stores!

Somali cat in pet shop, looking around

Can you believe I haven’t been to this shop since the end of December? So there was lots of new stuff to see.

Somali cat posing next to cat treats

Of course they had some new cat treats! I wanted to give them a try, but my human said the cat treats we already had at home were going to last a while.

Somali cat browsing in dog section of pet shop

I even had time to look through some of the dog section.

Somali cat checking out a dog toy

Dog stuff smells kind of weird.

Somali cat wearing a collar and tie combo

While we were looking through it all, my human found a basket with these collars and ties and I got to try them on. It was an okay look, but I didn’t think it was for me.

Somali cat on pet shop counter

All too soon, it was time to load up my food and check out! I hope I get to come back soon.

Here are other times I went shopping at this store:

Browsing at the Pet Shop

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