My Fun Palm Springs Cat Show

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I always enjoy going to cat shows, and the out of town trips like this one to Palm Springs are always even more fun!

Somali cat in a pretty dress and necklace at a cat show

Surprisingly, I actually got to wear most of the outfits you saw me modeling the other day.

Somali cat posing and waiting to greet people

I got to meet lots of new people, and I gave out lots of high fives.

Somali cat wearing a necklace and ringing a bell

I also got to ring my bell a lot! I’m so glad my human remembered to bring it.

Tight close up of Somali cat

She also took the opportunity to snap some close ups of me.

Somali cat napping in enclosure at cat show

I took the opportunity for a quick nap, but I was pretty active for most of the show.

Somali cat wearing crooked bunny ears with paw raised

The only problem I had was I could never get my bunny ears quite right!

Here are more fun cat shows I appeared at:

My Fun Palm Springs Cat Show

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