To Flehmen or Not to Flehmen…What’s My Response?

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I had a very unusual photo session! My human thought a blog post about the flehmen response would be fun! For those who don’t know, the flehmen response is that stink face we cats make with our mouths slightly open. Why we do it, and other facts about it, are pretty interesting!

But one thing she needed was a photo of me actually doing it! Which means she needed to find something that would give me that face. It turned out to be harder than she thought.

Somali cat standing in front of a foot wearing a sock

Among other ideas, she took off her boots and presented me with her feet. She’d been wearing her socks all day, so she was hoping that would do the trick.

Somali cat rubbing against human foot wearing a sock

No flehmen face from me. Instead she got this.

Somali cat sniffing a bad smelling wad of paper towel

Then she took wads of tissue paper and paper towels and tried dipping them in things that were stinky, including my litter box. That was closer, but it still did not bring out the full face with the mouth open.

Somali cat with her face buried in a plastic bag containing valerian

Finally in an act of desperation, she pulled out a baggie containing an old toy and a bunch of valerian! In case you don’t know, valerian smells like the worse stinky socks you can possibly imagine. And the smell sticks to everything it touches. So she gingerly opened up this bag, presented me with it…and well, you can see my response. Not a flehmen one.

Somali cat posing

So we failed at flehmening, at least for this photo session.

Here are other photographic challenges I had:

To Flehmen or Not to Flehmen...What's My Response?

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